
Press plays a very important role in the diffusion of information in Turkmenistan. In fact numerous newpapers are published and it is possible to choose Turkmen language, Russian language and Tur-kish language editions.
The official press agency of the country is the Türkmendöwlethabar-largullugy, publishing the weekly informative bulletin Turkmenistan News. In the country the most widely circulated daily newpapers are Turkmenistan, Watan, Ashgabat and Nesil, in Turkmen, while Ney-tralny Turkmenistan, published in Russian for Russian-speaking po-pulation resident in the country, is also widely circulated. Some regio-nal daily newspapers, as Turkmen Gundogary of Turkmenabat, Bal-kan of Balkanabat, Maru-Şahu-Jahan of Mary and Dashoguz Habar-lary of Dashoguz are also circulated. Among weeklies Galkynysh, Ha-barlar and Biznes Reklama have a certain circulation, while among monthly magazines Diyar and Altyn Asyryng Ykdysadiyeti, a journal on economy issued in Turkmen, Russian and English, are circulated.

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